Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Hat of the Day {The WWI German}

It's 1914 and Archduke Ferdinand has just been assassinated by young Gavrilo Princip in Sarajevo. How will the Austro-Hungarian throne bounce back after this striking loss? By sending all of Europe into a massive war of then unimaginable scale, of course. But looking on the brighter side of war--if you're German aristocracy they let you wear these remarkably useless, yet beautiful hats. So that's something, right? ... Right?

July 2011

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Hat of the Day {The Top Hat}

You're a classy person. You enjoy classy things. For example, you may own several mahogany cabinets. You might drink mineral water. You may prowl the streets of 19th century London searching for prey. Heck, you might do it all, but one thing is certain. You do it with the style that can only come from wearing an awesome hat.

May 2011

Friday, January 14, 2011

Hat of the Day {The Sherlock}

The chosen favorite of detectives and transient homeless men alike, this hat is sure to please everyone at your next house party.
August 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010

Hat of the Day {The Cow-Themed Birthday}

So, Johnny has a fear of bovines and you need to man him up for the family ranch? Well this hat's the sure fire way to solve the problem AND wish him a happy birthday! He'll love it! You know, love once he gets past the screaming... and the kicking... and once the biting is over with he'll probably just go to sleep! So that problem is fixed too, everybody wins.

June 2010

Monday, June 7, 2010

Hat of the Day {The Viking}

Picture this, you and your manly-hearted brothers at arms, sitting around an open fire, singing songs to Thor and drinking brandy out of deer hooves. What could be more relaxing? What could be more right? What could be more "you"?

May, 2010

Friday, April 23, 2010

Hat of the Day {The Patriot}

Nothing says fashion like stars and stripes! Wear your hat with pride as you yell things like, "Yes on Prop' 285. No on spending." "Drill for peace!" "Eagles, yeah! Terrorism, boo!" "Education about the constitution is unconstitutional!" "Nader 2012!" Among other useless banal things that will instantly clear a room and put off your family members.

April, 2010

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Hat of the Day {The Outback}

Ever play knifey, spoony? If you have, you'll know just how important an Australian Outback Hat is when trying to win; and when you do, you'll walk home proudly, a Fosters in your hand and a song in your heart. Until, of course, you run straight into a wily coyote.

March, 2010